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2024 Services


December 22, 2024 at 10:30

"Season of Wonder, Season of Joy"

Rev. Ben Bortin

As the darkness and chill of winter begin to descend on the earth,

various peoples and religious traditions have responded with a sense of wonder and mystery. ​

Additionally, faith traditions have answered the cold outside with spiritual warmth,

with generous-spiritedness, with celebration, and with joy.
Wonder and joy are at the heart of Christmas and Hanukkah.

We invite you to celebrate with us.

The sanctuary will be graced with seasonal décor,

and the service will feature music of the season.​

Video archive of this service is in 2 parts (lost power):

Part 1 -

Part 2 -


December 8, 2024 at 10:30

"Eleanor Roosevelt and the Struggle for Human Rights"

Rev. Ben Bortin

December is not only the month of Advent, Christmas,

Hanukkah, and the Winter Solstice,

it’s also the month of “Human Rights Day,” December 10th .

​This day is the anniversary of the undersung but momentous

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, passed in 1948.

And one person, more than any other, was responsible for its passage …

Eleanor Roosevelt.

​Video archive of this service can be found here:


November 24th at 10:30

"The Challenge of Gratitude"

Rev. Ben Bortin

Gratitude is a blessing,

especially when responding to compassion and kindness from another.

It’s also a fulfilling acknowledgement of happinesses in one’s own life.

But what if circumstances don’t lend themselves to gratitude?

What if matters in our lives are unfair, unpleasant, or downright awful?

Gratitude to be meaningful, needs to be authentic.

Yet even amid setbacks, even in the face of disappointments, even in the wake of tragedy,
I believe it is possible to experience both hope and genuine gratitude.

Video archive of this service can be found here:


​​​​​​​November 10th at 10:30

"Community, Traditions, Music"

for comfort or celebration​

Mary Ellen Tomaszewski, facilitator


​A Sharing Service on:

the Swedish celebration of St. Lucia,

Polish Christmas fun, Hannukah,

& being a professional Santa.


Music by accomplished student violinist:

Jay Chen

Please know we will be giving time & attention to the feelings

we are holding at this post-election time.

You might consider a word of phrase that speaks to how you wish

to move forward in the coming days.

​Mary Ellen, worship committee member

Video archive of this service can be found here:


October 27th at 10:30​​


Rev. Ben Bortin

“There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” Those famous words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

were profoundly comforting, in my view, for a nation in the throes of the Great Depression.

But there’s plenty to fear besides fear itself. How do we handle it?
One way, if possible, is to have fun with it – which is what Hallowe’en is all about.
(Costumes optional.)

Video archive of this service can be found here:


October 13th at 10:30

"The Freedom To Read"

Rev. Ben Bortin

Freedom is a byword, a north star for Unitarian Universalism. We steadfastly uphold

freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom peaceably to assemble,
and freedom of sexual orientation.
But there is another freedom increasingly under assault, the freedom to read. Banned
books in this country from public schools and public libraries have included titles like To Kill a
Mockingbird, Anne Frank – The Diary of a Young Girl, 1984, and The Grapes of Wrath.
How do we address this flurry of censorship?
And along the way, we should consider a rather tricky related issue.

Video archive of this service can be found here:


September 22nd at 10:30 a.m.

"A Quest for Community" 

Rev. Ben Bortin

Supportive community is a widespread need.

Yet millions of people in this country admit that, for themselves, that need is unfulfilled.

What goes into a sense of community?

And how can more people become part of one?
My hope, and in fact my belief, is that the North Fork Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship is a sustaining, supportive community.
Today’s service will include a ceremony of welcome for recent members.

Video archive of this service can be found here:


September 8th at 10:30

"Feet on the Street"

A Morning Message by Fellowship Member Mary Ellen Tomaszewski

Parades can foster a sense of community.

Same can be said of marching for a cause -

which some call, "praying with our feet."

We'll hear Liz Yenetchi & Diana Foster

on flute & viola da gamba.

Video archive of this service can by found here:


August 25th at 10:30

"What Does Emerson Have to Tell Us?"​

​​- Rev. Ben Bortin

Poet, philosopher, and popular lecturer, Ralph Waldo Emerson was also a Unitarian minister.

He came not to like the ministry, however, and dropped out after two and a half years.

He also was put off by Unitarianism, which he called “corpse cold.”

Video archive of this service is available here:


August 11th at 10:30

"Democracy as a Unitarian Universalist Value"

 - Rev. Ben Bortin

Affirming the use of the democratic process is one of our foundational principles as Unitarian Universalists. 

It also is the bedrock of our country.   

Is our democracy in danger?

  Disturbingly enough, many sound minds are of that view.

Video archive of this service can be found here:


July 28th at 10:30

"What kind of Love"

-Mary Ellen Tomaszewski

Life can offer us many ways to receive love. 

Sometimes from surprising sources. 

 We’ll hear Liz Yenetchi & Diana Foster

on flute & viola da gamba.

 We invite you to join us for an hour different from other hours in your week.

Video archive of this service is here:


July 14th at 10:30

"The Pursuit of Happiness"

- Rev. Ben Bortin

 Summertime, and the livin’ is easy, sings Bess in Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess.

 What weighs on us in the country and the world is often anything but easy.

            But summer, nonetheless, invites us to think of strolling on the beach, reading in a shadyt spot, enjoying gardens and parks, picnicking and barbecues, and travel.   When not overbearingly hot, we are drawn to open our arms to the wondrous outside world.

            Happiness, however, should be an all seasons experience.

  What goes into the pursuit of happiness?

Video archive of this service can be found here:


June 23rd at 10:30

"A Sense of Place" 

The Story of The Jamesport Meeting House

Our location is part of our spiritual experience.  Coming to know and appreciate our building, and its heritage enlightens and enriches us..  We're fortunate that Richard Wines, an expert on the history of the Jamesport Meeting House, will be the guest speaker this morning.

An Orientation to Unitarian Universalism follows the service and hospitality hour.

Video archive of this service can be found here:


June 9th at 10:30

Annual Flower Communion

 - Mary Ellen Tomaszewski

Created 101 years ago by Rev. Dr. Norbert Capek. Making it clear the worth and beauty of every person.

Killed by Nazis for his "dangerous beliefs" his message prevails.

We must decide to find what is always present;

Beauty, Kindness and Love.

Please bring a flower to embellish the bouquet we will create during the service.  

 In between blooms?  Fear not!  Additional flowers will be available. 

Video Archive Found Here:


May 26th at 10:30

"Honoring Veterans, Supporting Peace"

- Rev. Ben Bortin

The two are not contradictory. In fact, both are moral imperatives, in my view. 

I do feel the way we express gratitude to men and women in uniform often rings hollow.

Come on May 26th, Memorial Day Sunday, to hear why.

Video archive of this service can be found here:


May 12th at 10:30

"The Nurturer Within"

      - Rev. Ben Bortin

There are few things in this life more endearing than an adult’s genuine love and care for a child.

That being said, many of us are put off by the over-simplifications,

commercialization and sheer mawkishness of Mother’s Day.

While some of us were fortunate enough to be very close with our mothers,

others have more complicated relationships.

Some are alienated altogether. Life can be messy.
Whether one is biologically related to the child or not, what goes into nurture?

And is it possible to nurture ourselves?

Video archive of this service here:


April 28th at 10:30

"In Love with the World"

- Rev. Ben Bortin

A celebration of Earth Day, just past.

It will be an appreciation of our wonderful world, as well as ways we literally can and must save the world.

(With a late assist from Louis Armstrong.)

Archive video can be found here:


April 14th at 10:30

"Truth, Half Truth, and Something but the Truth"

            - Rev. Ben Bortin

Ours is a truth-seeking religious movement. 

How do we pursue and uphold truth, in an age, we are told, rife with disinformation?

Video archive of this service is available here:


March 14th at 10:30

"Moral Courage and Hope

                 – Palm Sunday and Easter"

            - Rev. Ben Bortin

Palm Sunday and Easter each address profound meanings, ones that transcend religious boundaries.

Palm Sunday presents the challenge … how much are we willing to risk on behalf of our most cherished ideals?

Easter upholds hope, even in the wake of tragedy, even in troubled times.

A Unitarian Universalist exploration and celebration of these two holy days.

An Orientation to UUism follows the service.

NOTE: This Sunday -

   Spring Clothing Drive for donations to Ukraine - new or gently used.

Video recording of this service found here:


March 10th at 10:30

"Three Remarkable Women"

     - Rev. Ben Bortin

It’s hardly a news flash that the achievements of women have been undersung.

  A look, today, at three extraordinary women:

–  Louisa May Alcott, a Unitarian,

-  Rev. Olympia Brown, a Universalist, and

-  Mary Louise Booth from nearby Yaphank.

Video recording of this service found here:


February 25th at 10:30

"A Stream of Light"

            - Rev. Ben Bortin

For centuries, people were told that human beings are innately evil, that an angry God

was going to send most of us to a fiery fate for the rest of time.
There then emerged a small religious group, the Universalists, who questioned whether a
truly merciful God would sentence human beings to an eternity of suffering.

Another religious movement, the Unitarians, came up with the idea that humanity,

which is capable of errors and unfortunately of gross evil, also has the capacity for good

– for caring actions, for achievements that benefits humankind, for love.

Both of these traditions celebrated freedom, including spiritual freedom.

Guided by certain common values, notably a belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person,

human beings should be free to follow their own religious beliefs, without fear of reprisal.

The Unitarians and Universalists in this country merged in 1961.

Historian Conrad Wright has called this movement a “stream of light,” the title of one of his books.

Video archive of this service available here:


February 11th at 10:30

"The Ache and the Wonder"

Returning Guest Speaker - Joel Usher

Poet, Singer and Guitarist

Words and Songs about my dance with

Co-dependency, Fathering and Self-discovery … so far”

Video recording of this service:


January 28th at 10:30 a.m.

"Mozart and Spirituality"

Rev. Ben Bortin

To paraphrase theologian Karl Barth, when angels are praising God, they play only Bach.

But when they are performing for one another, they play Mozart.

For many of us on earth, certainly me, little rivals sublime music for conveying the experience of spirituality. 

That is, in my case, decidedly so for Mozart, whose 268th birthday is this weekend.

We are honored that violinists Daniel Gladstone and his student Jay Chen, will be with us  to perform a Mozart selection.

Video recording of this service:


January 14th at 10:30 a.m.

Our Annual Service for Rev Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

"Stepping up Morally"

Guest speaker: Sylvia Daley

Sylvia’s broad interests include:

Serving on Southold Town’s Anti-bias Task Force.

Creating a multimedia production on reggae music.

Activist volunteer. 

Her past work is vast;

 Local B & B Innkeeper,

United Nations Economic Development  Officer,

and much more.

Video recording of this service:


Reflections on 2023:

Dear Members & Friends of the North Fork UU Fellowship,

We are grateful for every guest speaker who has shared their inspiring messages with us.

Looking over our newspaper ads for past services, you will find a reflection of our values.

We have special gratitude for Rev Ben Bortin, our part time minister.

Rev Ben’s sermons inform, inspire, and continually make us proud to be Unitarian Universalists.

We are gratified that newcomers have found our Fellowship to be a place that offers community,

a warm welcome to all and a respite from heart aches that surround us in our daily lives.

Wishing all a new year in which you find spiritual nourishment, hope, and many moments of joy.

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