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2022 Services

December 24th  Christmas Eve Service

Rev. Ben Bortin and    Rev. Valerie Freseman

The North Fork Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and the First Universalist Church of Southold shared service.

A celebration of Christmas and Hanukkah; live music from both traditions, a candle-lighting ceremony and refreshments following the service.

December 11, Rev. Colette White - "The Healing Power of Love"

Our UU theme this month is "The Path of Wonder." Author and social activist, Alice Walker, has said, "The more I wonder, the more I love." Rev. White spoke on " The Healing Power of Love." "Love as a miracle - It is the strongest energy in our universe."

November 27, Rev. Ben Bortin - "Gratitude"

Fresh after a beloved holiday whose very name is a synonym for it, a look at the issue of gratitude. It's more complicated than is apparent at first blush.

November 13, Joel Usher - Adventures in Missing the Point

"Thoughts from a recovering right-wing-fundamentalist-charismatic-evangelical Christian."

October 23, Rev. Ben Bortin "Is Our Democracy in Peril?

Democracy is a cherished foundation for the country, and an affirmed principle in Unitarian Universalism. But like so many blessings in life, there is a tendency to take it for granted.

October 9, Bev Robertson "What is Prayer to this Unitarian Universalist?"

“The theme for my talk is poetry as prayer. In my musings I explore the deep emotions, the thoughts, the expressions of awe that come from the contemplation of nature.

September 25, Rev. Ben Bortin, "The Jewish New Year, The Unitarian Universalist New Year"

At sundown on September 25th, The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah begins, along with ten "Days of Awe." As Unitarian Universalists, we seek insight and wisdom from the whole spectrum of religious and philosophical traditions, so a look at the perspectives that holy time in Judaism can offer us. (service recording accessible below)

September 11, "Reversing the Pipeline" - Dr Kerry Spooner  Sound Justice Initiative

The goal is for incarcerated students to become excited about learning, so that upon release they are inspired to continue with their education.

August 28, The Religious Case for Choice - Rev. Ben Bortin

A look at the ethical and religious argument for upholding a women's rights over her own pregnancy.

August 14, "That was then, This is now"

Fellowship founding member Mary Ellen Tomaszewski presented a light-hearted look at personal and spiritual growth.

July 24, A Mid-Summer Look at Shakespeare - Rev. Ben Bortin

For uncommon insight into human behavior, for formidable perception about questions of life and death, perhaps nobody rivals the man widely considered to be the greatest person of English letters, William Shakespeare. A brief mid-summer look at the contribution of the man whom poet Louis Untermeyer called "a mirror to humankind."

July 10, Portrait - UU - Pete Seeger 

 Fellowship founding member, Mary Ellen Tomaszewski presented a service on “Pete Seeger - activist, song writer, Unitarian Universalist.”

 June 26 - “The Unitarian Universalist Adventure” – Rev. Ben Bortin

“Ours is a religious adventure, in my view. Where else is there a spiritual approach that so unabashedly celebrates the free and inquiring mind, in lieu of inflexible doctrine or unquestioned holy writ?"

June 12th- "The Wisdom of Rabbi Marc Gellman"  - NFUUF member Jim Cain

Subjects: Pillars of our Faiths, Nature and Miracles, Prayer for Uvalde

May 22nd- "Worship Service of Celebration" - NFUUF founding member Mary Ellen Tomaszewski

Marking 26 years since the North Fork UU Fellowship became a church. We reflect on our past. We remember the diversity of speakers. We see reason to celebrate - both our past and our optimism about our future.

Announcing: Rev Ben Bortin will be joining us at least once a month!

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